Happy Birthday to a great Child who made our World different .




Another year has passed,

Real happiness entered my life ,

The day God approved your being.

We love being your parent,

And pray to God to Show us the best way to do that.


Honour is your Name forever Lord.

For you are worthy to be praised Amen.

The Lords doing,

Yeah today is a reminder ,


Good and great Things happens everyday to Us.

And a Special Thing happened on this day,

Yes the birth of our bundle of joy,

Our great gift from God.


Today you are 2 years and getting more and more

Interesting , inquisitive ,loving ,caring,

God is at work in your life and His umbrella will

continue to Shield you Amen.


You are Born to be wise, full of Knowledge and God´s


The light  that is for  many .

All  good Things must have been written for you,


You have changed our world positively

Such a Blessing you are,

Our pride

I am grateful to God that you are our daughter.

Pappas, Omi and Opis Center.

On this day and  all your life,

We are wishing you joy, God´s protections, good Health,

Love, wisdom Knowledge, fear of God  and understanding,


Let your light Shine as God has destined  Amen,

And God will continue to envelop and Shield you away from Evil


Happy Birthday our Rose .


Join to Promote our co-Author book `THE PERFECT MIGRANT`






` The Perfect Migrant  book`,

A sensational ,and heart-touching life stories,

Nothing is more Impressive,

Than when you tell your own Story,

Others will Report your Story,

But` You and Me `will always own our Stories,


Avoid them telling your Story,

Difficult as it may look initially,

Still, nothing is as good as you starting your Story,


I urge you all my People ,

My Family, friends, well-wishers and my FB friends,

This book `The Perfect Migrant is worth buying,

You would have supported a Project,

To set Migrants up, to empower, and to help give voice,

For others to follow.


We know we can always Count on your Supports and love,

Go to http://www.diverse-cultures.co.uk/p/international-speakers-and authors-conference,

Book your tickets for 23rd June in Köln Germany,

And order your own copy right away,

Lets do this together,

Help us to help others to use their potentials ,

Together we will make Things work.


31064279_10155388050905986_6577696681012232192_n`THE PERFECT MIGRANT BOOK`;

A brilliant portrayal of life stories.







A book with colour and taste,

A book full of stories,

Inspiring and breadth-taking.

Grab your copy now,


A book with many voices  .

We all dream dreams,

We have dreams,

And we stumble dreaming our dreams,

Our dreams sometimes get stocked,


We are a Generation with purpose,

A Generation that have fought silent wars,

A Generation that have crossed Mediterranean sea,

Physically and mentally,

A Generation looking for answers,

Seeking hopes and better life for ourselves and our



Most of us are from war-thorn,

Imperfect , corrupt and filthy countries ,

Filled with corrupt leaders ,

Illness and disease plague our People,

And Government steals from people’s purses and are called `Heros`,


No they are not !,

We are the true ` Heros`,

The `Heros`of our time,

All immigrants all over the world,

You have dared the odds,

And  risked your lives,

In your various searches for a better life,

And condition,

You  all are the true `Heros`.


There are voices in everyone of us,

Most are not being heard,

Hidden faces not seen,

Creativity undiscovered,

And Million-stories yet to be told.


We are Immigrants,

We are precious, honoured and loved

By God,


We learn in our struggles not to hold back,

To give them all,

To tell our stories,

To Inspire other immigrants , that

`Yes we all can `-


We are Immigrants,

We give voices,

We inspire,encourage and live a Passion,


All you Immigrants all over the world,

We have a Name,

For every Name have a face,

And every voice have a song,


Sing your song,

Write your stories,

Tell others,

Save souls.


No Need to be ashamed of your journey,

No Need to let the past hunt you,

No Need to let the failures of yesterday define

Your tomorrow,


Do something new,

Paint your world,

It is your space,

Create the world you want to see,

Give your voice,

We all are doing that ,why not you ?.


Thanks  to God , my family, friends and all,

and thanks to Amina Chitembo my Mentor and publisher.

” We are The perfect Migrant

And you too.


Thank God! It is March.






My man , my God sent !

Keep on Marching,

There is no easy way,

Keep on marching,

Relent not.


You are great my Love,

Your past was not easy,

But you have marched on,

You are my hero,

My God´s sent,

I am creating this just for you,


You are  a strong and loving husband,  a good father ,

And a dedicated son,

I create this for you,

Because you are a strong hold,

A pillar to lean on,

And a big tree with good shade ,


You are our Hero,

March on my Love,

Get rid of  what will not help you,

Keep marching on,

You are God´s Special work.

And we thank God for the gift of YOU.


Happy birthday Again .

Wow ! What a great son.






04/02 !

A great day,

When I say a great day,

There is so much we would like to say,

What I mean to say IS —

A day a great son was Born..


Dear Jason we will always remember this

Very day with smiles and thanks to God.


04/02 a great son was Born,

To a great couple.

Celebrate it ,

Because you are very Special to all


Yes this day is great ,

May you continue to remain a Blessing


Happy birthday from Us,

We love you ever.


These are sad tears.




IMG_20171205_170317 - Kopie

(Sketched by Amarachi Jubiland Kanu )

” Life consists in what a man is thinking of all day “- Ralph Waldo Emerson


This type of  beautiful face,

Is sad and is crying,

You may wonder why,

Beautiful faces  shed sad tears.


Behind all faces in Africa

Are concealed tears,

Tears of lost hopes

Tears of Idleness and hunger,

Tears of Anger and frustrations ,

Tears that our leaders are fast loosing

Touch with Schools of wisdom,

Tears that even our ordained  are

failing in their Services,

Tears that we have driven God´s mercy  far faraway

from Africa/Nigeria.

And tears that our Children will never be heard.


Every Corner in Africa, Arab and globally,

Are beautiful faces with sad tears,

Crying for understanding,

Pleading for clear Leadership,

And to stop global Terror,killings

looting ,hunger and corruption .


They cry out and look for hope ,

They search it with tears,

But will never find it.

They are not heard,

Because no one is paying Attention,


They way of the wicked,

corruption, bad leaders and bad citizen

Have overtaken .


Have you asked why the sad tears,

Why These dim face,

Why These rain Drops?


You Keep thinking why,

Your head Pounds ,

Your mind itch.

Why the sadness ?


You love your Country,

You want  everything work

You plan your life

You hope all work,



Souls that do not sleep

But worry and cry

And just shed tears.


Lo! this tears speak a warning to our Nation.

Please stop bad Leadership,

For Glory is the Portion of the wise.



Just say `No `to the new era of Killings in Nigeria !.





Crimes are committed everyday,

People are killed by men that called themselves

`Herdsmen `. Kidnappers , ritualists,and law makers,

And they world is watching,

And saying nothing,


`Do Herdsmen really have the license to kill,

Kill at random `?

Just say No !


Lets jointly go on our knees,

With a clean heart.

And  ask God to stop These Killers.

Let us jointly say No!


Nigerian herdsmen and others are not illusory,

They are real,

They are Killers.

But we simply have to say No,


It is only in Nigeria that `Herdsmen`carry  guns

And Parade like leaders ,

They Parade in villages and kill at random,

They are protected, by the law that were meant

For all,

Who are they ?

And what are their Mission,

But we must say No !


`They   kill and want to conquer`.

But we must say No !


MMM, since when are men allowed to kill

And destroy farmworks ?

And get away with their crimes ?

Come and see waste of God´s work,

The crime on humanity,

And the face of corruption and bad leaders

At work.

But we must say No !


Everyone  in Nigeria ,let’s go on our

knees and repent,

Let us go on our knees and ask for God´s mercy,

Lets go on our knees and ask truly for forgiveness,

And God will send us a Moses that will

lead us out of “Darkness” .

But we must say No !


Recently in Benue 70 or more were slayed

All in one day,

Some were killed while sleeping,

And I read nothing has been done

To These Killers,


But they said there is Democracy,

Did I hear well,

Demo- crazy !

Or is there another word?

But let us say No !


They world is looking away,

Are we so insignificant,

For you to see that our People are murdered

Everyday by those who should protect them !.

But we have to say No !


They give them guns,

Send them out with cows,

And they murder and butcher.

But we must rise and say No !.


Since when have cow´s replaced human life´s ?

These must be stopped,

This era of killing and cleansing,

Where are the “Hague”Judges ?

The world´s conscience!

Are you not seeing the crimes

Against humanity in Nigeria?.

We must just say No !


Help ! O you super nations,

Oh you men and women of God,

We Need to go on our knees

We Need to honestly ask for mercy,

Truly ,

People all over the world  join,

Repent, and God will deliver


But we must say No !


Otherwise, they will be  killing our People,

Chasing our wards,

Killing the future of our Nation,

What more will be left ?

We must say No !


Stagnation of our economy,

Destruction of lives,

Stealing from our purses,

But we must say No !.


We  must all raise our voices and condemn

These new era of killings in Nigeria,

Stop it now ! enough is a enough.

But we must all say No !.







” A face of a mother in agony, as she watch her land sink into deeper chaos, ” will there be any hope for Africa ” ?.


In slavery  victims are seen as properties,

Human´s are sold , bought and exchanged,

African colonial masters ,

Guilty  or not guilty ?

Guilty , as  you began this race years back.


Our question last year was Why ?

Why and Why !

The Horrors in Libya, at home and elsewhere,

How can  we Parade Africa in Words and not

in deeds ?

In real sense Afrika  is full of  chaos ,

Where are the good souls that once paraded Africa ?

Why are Things falling apart ?

Chinua Achebe foresaw in his book ,

The Afrika of  today.


Economically we are not there ,

Socially we have turned imitators

And politically we are total  disaster,

What are we experiencing again?

Reports of last year has

100s of  black People auctioned ,


What are we to call this, Modern slavery or what ?,

Libya is not only guilty ,

Other African countries  are too,


In 1617 blacks were sold,

2017 black were  sold ,

2018 will blacks be sold again ?


At the Moment, Libya remain

The main Point for running away from poverty,

Another port of slavery ?

Problem of vacuum !

Boom of humans  !


What a world,

Leaders look away,

Honest men are gone,

Politics here and there,

Little talks now and then.

Problem shoved under the carpet,


Are we back in 1619s !

When blacks helped sold blacks ,


Shout out ,

A Mother in agony  scream freedom,

A mother cry out in pains seeing her,

Children driven out and forced out

To run and flee for poverty and bad Govt.

And end up being Sold,

Drowned , raped and beaten.


2018  here you are

our hope bearer,

Here we welcome you with open arms,

With champagne and fireworks,

With prayers and hopes ,


Will ” 2018 ”

Create equal opportunities,

Eradicate blind and fanatical leaders,

Include and not exclude People,

Increase infrastructures,

For Jobs,

Roads,schools, Hospitals,

Help  create HERO,

Engage youths,

And give them home again ?.


Here we  say ” NO” to violence,

To unnecessary waste of lives,

`No` to corruption,and `No`to  bad leaders,

No to camouflaging with Religion ,

And yes to honesty/transparency , equality,

one voice , respect of human lives and dignity

To all irrespective of who you are,

Where you come from,

your Religion, sex ,education and class.



Join Hands  make 2018 a violent and  slave free year.


Happy 6oth Birthday to a Wonderful sister.


Shanaya (30)

People say growing old is  mandatory,

growing up is optional ”

Life is a book and there are a thousand pages

That we will never have to read about life “- Cassandra Clare -.


10/12/17  another beautiful day,

With good People and wonderful children

That have touched the heart of this wonderful woman.


Family is everything,

A rock that stay firm even when

They going gets real bad.

Thanks to this wonderful Family of Uche,

When the going went really bad,

They Held together ,

Thank God for the gift of a calm loving,

Good Soul, a great wife of her time.


We may not have it all in life,

We may not finish and be done everyday,

With an assignment .

The most important Thing is to make the

Best out of every Situation,

And not have regrets so much as to Forget a way Forward.


Even when Things did not go our way ,

We just have to make sure we find the right way in Christ,

Life will be more meaningful,

And difficulties can easily be dealt with.


Beauty we see in Looks,

But for me Beauty is not only what we see,

It is also what we say ,how we care about others,

Forgive others even when we get hurt,

And how we react to other people`s bad behaviours ,


My beloved sister you are so beautiful in and out,

You are just the best.


” If we can´t reward then , we should at least say thanks”- Unknown-

There is always a reason for us to say thank YOU,

Today the 08/12/17, a surprise day for my sister,

A perfect day to just say thank you to a caring Soul,

Today , a wonderful day for me to say the Things I have

Longed to say to You Adanne.


Nwayioma, (Beautiful woman in and out ),

You are Gold ,

We treasure you,

You have a lions heart ,

A heart full of love,

Forgiveness and Passion.

A caring heart,

I could not find any better word,

To describe you ,


We love you for who you are ,

What you are ,

And how you have treated others,

I can not think of a better sister,

A better mother, Anti, wife and friend like YOU,


You have enriched so many souls  of those

You know and those you do not know,

You taught me faith,forgiveness ,love and kindness,

You taught me how to wear smiling face even in difficulties.

I have gotten so much from you ,

And I know I can not pay back all,

I pray for you ,

To be healthy and live to see all God´s plans for you,


I love You, forever and ever.

If there will be another world after here on earth,

I pray the good Lord make you my Senior sister,

My Adanne, Nwanyiobioma,


Mama in her grave will be so  happy

That you carried her flag on,

Me and my Family and my siblings are just lucky

to have You.


I do not think that most artist

of any Kind could sacrifice their artistic influence,

on People like you have done on so many People,


We all have the Need to be appreciated,

And the Need to Show gratitude even for what

we think is small victory.


08/12/17 a Special day not only for the children ,

Who planned this great surprise Party for their


It is also a Special and surprise day filled with

Lovely People ,


I loved that surprise look,

That added more colour to the surprise day ,

A day already full of surprises.

well-done Adanna,Paschal,Jennifer and Cynthia ,

For surprising us all.


We celebrated one of the most valuable ,

Kind hearted , loving and caring woman who I know,

Adanne, Da Franca, Nwayiobioma, Ada Eliza and Patrick Uwazie.


Indeed, ” The truest greatness lies in kindness,

The truest wisdom in happy mind “- Ella Wheeler Wilcox-


Thanks Da Franca,

For your kindness,


Life is not always smooth,

We stumble and Need a Kind Hand,

Man is not always fair to one another,

Storms will come,

With faith ,kindness , forgiveness and love the world will be

A better place.


According to my husband`s calculations ”

” For 1.892.160.000 seconds you saw the light,

For 31.536.000 minutes you have learnt, practiced, understood and implemented,

For 525,600 hours you have loved, understood, given and received,

For 21900 days you have prayed, hoped and expected,

For 3120 weeks you have your confidence and your wills strengthened,

For 720 months you Extended your love and all dragged into your sog,

Yeah, when you come to think of it,  60-years is really a small number ,

When you think of what you have achieved in this time,

Who will then look back and not say well done Francesca, Keep it up !

Despite all These, are still the 60 candles that you can Count.


You are 60 times the best sister on earth,

60 times the best mother, wife, friend , Anti

And the best smallest and biggest sister-in-law for my husband,

Namely, ” My husband´s small big sister in-law Francesca.


Happy birthday to you Adanne at 60, and happy  30th Marriage Anniversary to you and uncle J.


May the good Lord continue to give you good health, protection,and abundant Blessings to  you all.


Love you ever !.